Dharma Talk Archive

Audio of Recent IMCC Talks

15 Oct 2024 Activating Innate Compassion and Equanimity Amidst Challenging Times with Lama Tashi
08 Oct 2024 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Teresa Miller
01 Oct 2024 Experiencing Clarity; Practicing Shamatha without Support with Tim Edmond
24 Sep 2024 The Balance of Power and Love: Practicing Wise Speech During Polarized Times with Matt Fritts
17 Sep 2024 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Marylouise Kelley
10 Sep 2024 Remembering Your Deepest Experience with Susan Stone
27 Aug 2024 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Laura Good
20 Aug 2024 Clinging to the Story of Life/Living with the Mystery and Loving What Is with Anna Vanhoy
13 Aug 2024 Clinging to the Stories of Death and Life with Laura DeVault
06 Aug 2024 Equanimity: Finding Balance with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
23 Jul 2024 Moving Through Endings and Beginnings (with Compassion) with Teresa Miller
16 Jul 2024 Clinging to the Story of Life with Laura DeVault and Anna Vanhoy
09 Jul 2024 Ladakh and the Wheel of Life with Laura DeVault
02 Jul 2024 Dharma Talk with Pat Coffey
25 Jun 2024 Small Things That Really Aren't with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
18 Jun 2024 Relaxing into Non-Reactivity with Jeanne Van Gemert and Tim Edmond
11 Jun 2024 Clinging to the Story of Life with Anna Vanhoy
04 Jun 2024 The Domain of the Mystic is Not Foreign Soil with Pat Coffey
28 May 2024 Four Ennobling Truths for Contemporary Westerners with Matt Fritts and Andrew Alwood
21 May 2024 Entering Into the Vastness with Teresa Miller
14 May 2024 Return to Surrender: Turning Toward What Is with Caverly Morgan
07 May 2024 Serenity is the Final Word with Pat Coffey
30 Apr 2024 Mudita. Joy. with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
23 Apr 2024 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Laura DeVault
16 Apr 2024 Opening to a Larger View with Jeanne
09 Apr 2024 What Does the Water Have to Teach Us? Lessons from Buddhist scripture with Marylouise Kelley
02 Apr 2024 One Size Won’t Fit All: Customizing the Journey with Pat Coffey
19 Mar 2024 Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk with Amma
12 Mar 2024 Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
05 Mar 2024 Reinvestigating & Embodying Happiness with Tim & Jeanne
27 Feb 2024 Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk with Teresa Miller
20 Feb 2024 Dhamma is More Than Meditation with Tuere Sala
13 Feb 2024 How might understanding the teachings of Dependent Arising and Ignorance support our practice Letting Be and Letting Go? with Anna & Laura
06 Feb 2024 Quieting the Busy Mind with Marylouise Kelley
30 Jan 2024 Interbeing and Difficult Times with Anna Vanhoy
23 Jan 2024 Setting Intention for a New Year with Laura G
16 Jan 2024 Dharma Talk with Jeanne van Gemert
02 Jan 2024 Ring the Bells That Can Still Ring with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
19 Dec 2023 The Wisdom of Zen Aesthetics with Scott Bryce
12 Dec 2023 The Healing Power of Unconditional Presence… again and again… with Sharon Beckman Brindley
05 Dec 2023 Finding That Fierce Soft Belly Voice with Anna Vanhoy and Laura DeVault
28 Nov 2023 Waking & Returning - Susan Stone's Final Talk at IMCC
21 Nov 2023 Giving Thanks is an Activity More Profound than it Appears with Pat Coffey
14 Nov 2023 Less Past More Presence with Laura Good
07 Nov 2023 The Healing Power of Unconditional Presence. Even Now. with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
31 Oct 2023 Come See for Yourself: Exploring Practice Together with Marylouise Kelley
24 Oct 2023 Unpacking and Discussing Lama Tashi's Teaching with Matt Fritts
17 Oct 2023 An Evening with Lama Tashi
10 Oct 2023 The Path of the Buddha with Jeanne and Sandy
03 Oct 2023 Wholehearted Living with Teresa Miller
19 Sep 2023 What if? With Pat Coffey
12 Sep 2023 The Pāramī of Resolve with Booker
05 Sep 2023 The Healing Power of Unconditional Presence with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
29 Aug 2023 Sitting with the Bittersweet with Marylouise Kelley
22 Aug 2023 Sacred Sound with Jeanne and Tim
15 Aug 2023 Hatred Never Ceases by Hatred: Inquiries into Spiritual Practice with the Difficult
08 Aug 2023 Practicing Compassion for Self with Anna Vanhoy and Laura DeVault
01 Aug 2023 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Matt Fritts
25 Jul 2023 The Central Spiritual Dilemma—Integration with Susan Stone
18 Jul 2023 One Dharma with Jeanne van Gemert
11 Jul 2023 Compassion for Imperfection with Teresa Miller
04 Jul 2023 Poetry Contemplation with Marylouise Kelley
27 Jun 2023 The Three Turnings of the Wheel with Matt Fritts
20 Jun 2023 Practice in Attunement: Responding Wisely to What Is with Sharon Beckman-Brindley & Barbara Martin
13 Jun 2023 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Booker
06 Jun 2023 Choppy Ocean Mind Compassion with Teresa Miller
30 May 2023 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Anna Vanhoy
23 May 2023 Right in Fact; Wrong in Dharma Right in Dharma; Wrong in Fact How to Decide? with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
16 May 2023 It's Ethical, But is it Moral? with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
09 May 2023 Homecoming to the Beloved with Susan Stone
02 May 2023 Transitions, Endings, and Small Deaths with Liz Reynolds
18 Apr 2023 Spiritual Benefactors and Cultivating a Field of Care with Matt Fritts
04 Apr 2023 Moral Conscience: the Gift of Awareness
14 Mar 2023 Wise Concentration in the Eightfold Path
07 Mar 2023 The Bliss of Blamelessness with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
28 Feb 2023 Eightfold Path: Wise Effort with Marylouise Kelley
21 Feb 2023 Happiness: Seeking Goodness Everywhere with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
14 Feb 2023 The Subject Tonight is Love with Susan Stone
07 Feb 2023 Eightfold Path: Wise Mindfulness with Anna Vanhoy
24 Jan 2023 Eightfold Path: Wise Livelihood with Leslie Booker
06 Dec 2022 Five Kinds of Happiness: Part 4 with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
22 Nov 2022 The Heart of Who We Are with Caverly Morgan
08 Nov 2022 All-Sangha Meeting & Discussion
01 Nov 2022 Heading in the Right Direction: Wise Intention with Teresa Miller
25 Oct 2022 Wise View in the Eightfold Path with Liz Reynolds
18 Oct 2022 The Noble Eightfold Path with Marylouise Kelley
04 Oct 2022 Five Kinds of Happiness: Part 3 with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
06 Sep 2022 Five Kinds of Happiness: Part 2 with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
23 Aug 2022 On Generosity & Ecodharma with Liz Reynolds
16 Aug 2022 When Love Seems to be the Problem with Susan Stone
09 Aug 2022 Reconnect with the Timeless Wisdom of the Body with Teresa Miller and Matt Fritts
02 Aug 2022 Going Forth with Jeanne van Gemert
26 Jul 2022 Deep Listening as Wise Speech with Marylouise Kelley
19 Jul 2022 Loving - Lessons from the Vigil with Susan Stone
12 Jul 2022 Guest teacher Tuere Sala
05 Jul 2022 On Not Being (Good) Enough Pt. 3 with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
28 Jun 2022 Surveying the Landscape with Susan Stone
21 Jun 2022 On Not Being (Good) Enough Part II: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
14 Jun 2022 Opening, Bearing Witness, and Moving Toward Healing: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Guest Teacher Ron Vereen
07 Jun 2022 On Being Not (Good) Enough: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
31 May 2022 Memorial Day and the First Noble Truth: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Kristina Weaver
24 May 2022 Remembering as a Spiritual Practice with Teresa Miller
17 May 2022 Conflict, Finding Balance & Moving Forward with Jeanne van Gemert
10 May 2022 Words: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
03 May 2022 Ecosattva & Ecodharma as a Foundation of Buddhist Practice
26 Apr 2022 Befriending the Hindrances: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Marylouise Kelley
19 Apr 2022 Guest Teacher: Dawn Mauricio
12 Apr 2022 Too Big To Fear: Finding Freedom when Facing Fear: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Laura Good
05 Apr 2022 Thank You For Everything: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
31 Mar 2022 Walking in my Shoes with Mike and Mary Wilson
29 Mar 2022 How Our Stories Can Take on a Life of Their Own with Jeanne van Gemert
22 Mar 2022 Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Liz Reynolds and the HEAR Committee
15 Mar 2022 Awakening Together (by Larry Yang) and Collective Intention Setting with Liz Reynolds
08 Mar 2022 The Heart's Intention: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Teresa Miller
01 Mar 2022 It's Like This Now: Now What? Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk by Sharon Beckman-Brindley
22 Feb 2022 Only Love is Real: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk Sharon Beckman-Brindley
15 Feb 2022 The Stories We Tell: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Marylouise Kelley
25 Jan 2022 Taking Refuge in the Sangha: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeffrey Fracher
18 Jan 2022 An Appropriate Response: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley and Liz Reynolds
11 Jan 2022 Understanding Aversion: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeanne van Gemert
28 Dec 2021 Befriending the Darkness with Kristina Weaver: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk
21 Dec 2021 Confronting a Family Legacy of Slavery and Racism: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeffrey Fracher
14 Dec 2021 May There Be Peace with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
07 Dec 2021 The Gift of Non-Fear: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Teresa Miller
30 Nov 2021 Sangha Community Night!
23 Nov 2021 Native American prayer & land acknowledgement. Gratefulness for thorns with Susan Stone
16 Nov 2021 The Preciousness of this Human Birth: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Liz Reynolds
09 Nov 2021 "Maybe So; Maybe Not" with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
02 Nov 2021 Natural Awareness: Your Home of Peace, Beauty and Love, Part 2: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Pat Coffey
26 Oct 2021 Natural Awareness: Your Home of Peace, Beauty and Love with Pat Coffey
19 Oct 2021 No Hard Feelings: The Gifts of Practicing Forgiveness: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Marylouise Kelley
12 Oct 2021 It's Like This Now, Part 4: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
05 Oct 2021 "What the Body Says": Guided Meditation & Dharma Talk with Liz Reynolds
28 Sep 2021 A Grass Spider, Indra's Net, and Love: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Susan Stone
21 Sep 2021 Guest Teacher: Kaira Jewel Lingo
14 Sep 2021 "Choosing Equanimity" - Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeanne van Gemert
07 Sep 2021 It's Like This Now, Part 3: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
31 Aug 2021 Wise Relating With the Earth with Teresa Miller
24 Aug 2021 Racial Affinity Group Collective Wisdom Sharing
17 Aug 2021 Cultivating Patience, Part 2: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeffrey Fracher
27 Jul 2021 Cultivating Patience: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeff Fracher
20 Jul 2021 "The Myth We Believe But Shouldn’t." Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Susan Stone
13 Jul 2021 "It's Like This Now" Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
06 Jul 2021 The Power, Joy and Peace of Taking Refuge with Pat Coffey
29 Jun 2021 Good Morning; Where are you going? Conversations on Wise Intention with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
22 Jun 2021 "UN-MASKING: Ready or Not" Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Jeanne van Gemert
15 Jun 2021 "Compassion Practice" with Teresa Miller
08 Jun 2021 “The Seeming Paradox at the Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching” with Susan Stone
01 Jun 2021 Cultivating Equanimity as a Practice with guest teacher, Sharon Shelton
25 May 2021 The Dharma of Relationships with Jeffrey Fracher
18 May 2021 Refuge with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
11 May 2021 Be the Refuge with Guest Speaker Chenxing Han
04 May 2021 National Buddhist Ceremony for Asian Americans
27 Apr 2021 Struggling with the Buddha with Susan Stone
20 Apr 2021 Exploring Strong Emotions with Jeanne van Gemert
13 Apr 2021 Circling the Flaming Lamp with Teresa Miller
06 Apr 2021 Guest Teacher: Noliwe Alexander
30 Mar 2021 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) at IMCC
23 Mar 2021 Patience: An Exploration with Pat Coffey
16 Mar 2021 “Only love is real” with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
09 Mar 2021 Expanding our Circles of Concern with Marylouise Kelley
02 Mar 2021 Unpacking Suffering with Jeffrey Fracher
16 Feb 2021 What Role Does “Hope” Play in Your Contemplative Practice? with Pat Coffey
09 Feb 2021 Cultivating the Lightness in Attachment with Jeanne van Gemert
02 Feb 2021 The Practice of Making Space for the Body-Heart with Sharon Beckman-Brindley and Liz Reynolds
26 Jan 2021 Holding it All with Jeffrey Fracher
19 Jan 2021 Rising to the Challenge of Harrowing Times with Susan Stone
12 Jan 2021 Opening to the Sacred with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
05 Jan 2021 Relaxing Into a Balanced Calm in the Midst of Complete Ambiguity with Pat Coffey
29 Dec 2020 Gratitude and Wonder with Jeffrey Fracher
22 Dec 2020 Guest Teacher: Leslie Booker
15 Dec 2020 Let it Go, Let it Go, Let it Go with Marylouise Kelley
01 Dec 2020 An Evening of Celebration
24 Nov 2020 Looking for Nirvana in All the Wrong Places with Jeffrey Fracher
17 Nov 2020 When the Barn Burns, continued with Susan Stone
10 Nov 2020 Wandering Down the Rabbit Hole. Or Not. with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
03 Nov 2020 Election 2020: Uncertainty Abounds: Practice is Your Refuge and North Star for Appropriate Response with Pat Coffey
27 Oct 2020 Wise View - Seeing Circles, Finding Pathways with Teresa Miller
20 Oct 2020 When the Barn Burns with Susan Stone
13 Oct 2020 Reports from the Edge with Jeanne van Gemert
06 Oct 2020 The Four Noble Truths of Whiteness Pt. 2 of 2 with Liz Reynolds
29 Sep 2020 Equanimity with Jeffrey Fracher
22 Sep 2020 Instructions on Not Following Instructions with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
15 Sep 2020 The Five Spiritual Faculties Supporting Our Practice with Marylouise Kelley
08 Sep 2020 Turbulent Seas: Contemplative Practice is Your Safe Harbor with Pat Coffey
01 Sep 2020 The Four Noble Truths of Whiteness (Pt. 1 of 2) with Liz Reynolds
25 Aug 2020 Through the Dharma Door of Sound with Susan Stone and Fred Maus
18 Aug 2020 Here and Now - Keep Calmly Knowing Change with Teresa Miller
11 Aug 2020 Whatever You Are Avoiding Will Never Go Away with Jeanne van Gemert
04 Aug 2020 Separation and Prejudice with Jeffrey Fracher
28 Jul 2020 More thoughts on a practice of Kindness. And Faith. with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
21 Jul 2020 Challenges are Mounting: Which Elements of a Contemplative Practice are Most Supportive Under These Conditions? with Pat Coffey
14 Jul 2020 Touching Mystery with Susan Stone
07 Jul 2020 How to Know Equanimity Amidst Upheaval with Caverly Morgan
30 Jun 2020 Waking Up to Non Separation with Marylouise Kelley and Teresa Miller
23 Jun 2020 Out of Chaos Everything is Possible with Pat Coffey
16 Jun 2020 Abundant, Exalted, Immeasurable with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
09 Jun 2020 Standing in the Fire, Moving on with Love with Susan Stone
02 Jun 2020 The Social Fabric of Our Nation is Shredded: What Does Our Contemplative Practice Offer? with Pat Coffey
26 May 2020 Fear in the Time of the Pandemic with Jeffrey Fracher
19 May 2020 What Happens Next with Jeanne van Gemert
12 May 2020 Guest Teacher: Rick Hanson, PhD: The Neurology of Awakening
05 May 2020 Poetry and Compassionate Patience with Teresa Miller
28 Apr 2020 From Lockdown with Love with Susan Stone
21 Apr 2020 Anxiety and Mindfulness of the Body with Liz Reynolds and Sharon Beckman-Brindley
14 Apr 2020 Investigating Where we are Placing our Attention with Jeanne van Gemert
07 Apr 2020 “Acceptance Revisited” with Jeffrey Fracher
31 Mar 2020 Ring the Bells That Still Can Ring with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
24 Mar 2020 How Your Meditation Practice Will Support You in Navigating Covid-19 with Pat Coffey
10 Mar 2020 The 'Don't Know Mind' with Teresa Miller
03 Mar 2020 The Evolution of Mindfulness Practice with Susan Stone
25 Feb 2020 Developing a Fine Mind with Jeanne van Gemert
18 Feb 2020 What Are You Becoming? with Robert Hodge
11 Feb 2020 The Mother of All Delusions with Susan Stone
04 Feb 2020 Hatred: One of the Three Poisons with Teresa Miller
28 Jan 2020 Greed: One of the Three Poisons with Jeffrey Fracher
21 Jan 2020 Introduction to the 3 Poisons: Greed, Hatred & Delusion with Jeanne van Gemert
14 Jan 2020 Opening to the Ecstasy of 'Awe' with Pat Coffey
07 Jan 2020 Remembering What Matters with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
03 Dec 2019 Being What You Love --A Talk and Guided Meditation with Susan Stone
26 Nov 2019 Finding Balance in Speaking and Listening with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
19 Nov 2019 Minding the Gap at Crossroads with Teresa Miller
12 Nov 2019 An Exploration of Buddhist Meditation Practice with Pat Coffey
05 Nov 2019 The Quality of Awareness with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
29 Oct 2019 The Wide Net of the Dharma (Teaching) with Susan Stone
22 Oct 2019 Bringing Our Practice “on the Cushion” into Our Everyday Lives and Social Engagement with Donald Rothberg
15 Oct 2019 Whose view is the Right or Wise view? with Jeanne van Gemert
08 Oct 2019 A Buddhist Perspective on Relationships with Jeffrey Fracher
01 Oct 2019 Letting Go with Robert Hodge
24 Sep 2019 Liberation Now: From the Progressive Path to Direct Experience with Caverly Morgan
17 Sep 2019 Story-Telling--The Dharma in Everything with Susan Stone
10 Sep 2019 Interconnection and a Sense of Belonging with Jeanne van Gemert
03 Sep 2019 The Why and How of Resting in Awareness with Pat Coffey
27 Aug 2019 Why Is It So Hard to Keep an Open Mind? with Ron Vereen from Triangle Insight
20 Aug 2019 Compassion - A Way of Being, Part 2 with Teresa Miller
13 Aug 2019 Compassion - A Way of Being with Teresa Miller
06 Aug 2019 We Are All on the Care Committee
30 Jul 2019 The Wholesome in Relationship
23 Jul 2019 Shame and the Dharma with Jeffrey Fracher
16 Jul 2019 On Not Turning Away: The Buddha on How To Do This
09 Jul 2019 On Not Turning Away
25 Jun 2019 A Quiet Heart: Relationship as Spiritual Path
18 Jun 2019 The Theravada and Zen Traditions with Susan Stone
04 Jun 2019 Working with Healthy and Unhealthy Emotions with Jeffrey Fracher
21 May 2019 Some Avenues Open Our Hearts with Jeanne van Gemert
14 May 2019 Your Awakened Moments with Susan Stone
07 May 2019 Enhancing the Beautiful Emotions with Pat Coffey
30 Apr 2019 Working with Fear with Jeffrey Fracher
27 Apr 2019 Cultivating a Heart of Gold: Daylong Retreat with Ven. Pannavati
23 Apr 2019 (Gardening) Joy - Planting Seeds, Pulling Weeds with Teresa Miller
16 Apr 2019 Tracing Back the Radiance: The road to freedom and ecstasy with Pat Coffey
02 Apr 2019 Views and Opinions That Frighten and Confine Us
26 Mar 2019 Trainings of the Mind
19 Mar 2019 Ruth King: Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk
05 Mar 2019 Values and Well-being with Jeffrey Fracher
26 Feb 2019 Emptiness - Less is More with Teresa Miller
19 Feb 2019 Ease and Acceptance in Practice: The Bedrock for Contemplatives with Pat Coffey
12 Feb 2019 Choices and the Wager of Consequences with Jeanne van Gemert
05 Feb 2019 Practice is Your Life Support System with Pat Coffey
29 Jan 2019 Touching Into Emptiness - Teresa Miller
22 Jan 2019 Shasta Abbey--Returning to a Zen Monastery
15 Jan 2019 Crossing Life's Floods: Thoughts on Social Engagement - Sharon Beckman-Brindley
08 Jan 2019 Crossing Life's Floods - Sharon Beckman-Brindley
18 Dec 2018 Tattooing the Heart - Teresa Miller
11 Dec 2018 Resting in Awareness with Jeanne van Gemert
27 Nov 2018 Dealing with Craving with Jeffrey Fracher
20 Nov 2018 Peace and Restoration Beneath The Turbulence with Pat Coffey
13 Nov 2018 Why Truth-Telling Still (and Always) Matters - Susan Stone
06 Nov 2018 How can our practice serve us in relation to the political winds of our time? With Pat Coffey
30 Oct 2018 The Value of Added Dimensions with Jeanne van Gemert
23 Oct 2018 The Source of Compassion with Jeffrey Fracher
16 Oct 2018 Generosity - Wise Underpinning with Teresa Miller
09 Oct 2018 Reflections on Sangha
02 Oct 2018 Good in the Beginning, Middle, and End - Susan Stone
25 Sep 2018 Establishing and Enhancing Your Practice to Transform Your Life - Pat Coffey
21 Sep 2018 Fall 2018 IMCC Residential Retreat: Cultivating a Heart Unshaken with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
18 Sep 2018 How We Experience Life: Perception, with guest teacher Robert Hodge
04 Sep 2018 "Live in Love, in Joy, Even Among Those Who Hate" - Susan Stone
28 Aug 2018 Dwelling Places for the Mind and Heart
21 Aug 2018 Massaging Your Perspective: The Road to Happiness with Pat Coffey
07 Aug 2018 Being a Buddha with Caverly Morgan
31 Jul 2018 Living Peace: Finding Our Way with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
24 Jul 2018 Hope and Faith in the Dharma with Jeffrey Fracher
17 Jul 2018 The Value of the Bigger Picture with Jeanne van Gemert
10 Jul 2018 Author's night with Susan Stone
03 Jul 2018 Brahma Viharas: Series Conclusion, Assessments and the Way Forward
26 Jun 2018 Brahma Viharas: Equanimity Part II, Practice Exercises with Susan Stone
19 Jun 2018 Everything is Workable. Really with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
12 Jun 2018 Equanimity: Finding Balance in a World of Change - Sharon Beckman-Brindley
05 Jun 2018 Notes on the Brahma Viharas - Teresa Miller (June 5, 2018)
29 May 2018 Everything Is Workable: a Presentation by IMCC's Ethics and Reconciliation Team
22 May 2018 Brahma Viharas: Sympathetic Joy Part II, Practice Exercises with Helen Farrar
15 May 2018 Bringing Relaxation, Joy and Ease to Your Practice with Pat Coffey
08 May 2018 Brahma Viharas: Sympathetic Joy Part I, Exploration with Susan Stone
01 May 2018 Creating Change With An Open Heart with Caverly Morgan
24 Apr 2018 Brahma Viharas: Compassion Part II, Practice Exercises with Jeffrey Fracher
10 Apr 2018 Brahma Viharas: Compassion Part I, Exploration with Teresa Miller
03 Apr 2018 On Tuning a Lute
27 Mar 2018 Brahma Viharas: Lovingkindness Part II, Practice Exercises with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
22 Mar 2018 IMCC Spring Residential Retreat: Exploring the Alchemy of Movement and Mindfulness with Pat Coffey and Ruth King
21 Mar 2018 Sharon Salzberg at the Virginia Festival of the Book
20 Mar 2018 Guest Teacher: Sharon Salzberg
20 Mar 2018 Sharon Salzberg: The History of Meditation in America
13 Mar 2018 Brahma Viharas: Lovingkindness Part I, Exploration, with Susan Stone
06 Mar 2018 Brahma Viharas-Heart Qualities, An Overview with Susan Stone
27 Feb 2018 Tilting Toward the Wholesome with Teresa Miller
20 Feb 2018 Spiritual friendship
13 Feb 2018 Love Is A Big Deal on Valentines Day: But What Are We Really Talking About? With Pat Coffey
06 Feb 2018 Change Can Be Your Best Friend with Pat Coffey
30 Jan 2018 Onward But Not Easy with Susan Stone
23 Jan 2018 True Happiness with Jeffrey Fracher
16 Jan 2018 Awakening with Teresa Miller
09 Jan 2018 Five Kinds of Happiness with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
02 Jan 2018 Ring the Bells That Still Can Ring with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
12 Dec 2017 Who Are Our People? Guided Meditation and Dharma Talk with Helen Farrar
05 Dec 2017 A Life of Regret? - Jeffrey Fracher
28 Nov 2017 Who Do You Think You Are?
21 Nov 2017 Daring to See
14 Nov 2017 Developing a Mind That Loves (You)
07 Nov 2017 Dodging The Dart: The Teaching of The Second Arrow with Laura Good
24 Oct 2017 Three companions-Mindfulness, Insight and Non-judging with Susan Stone
03 Oct 2017 The Tyranny of the Ego
26 Sep 2017 "What's True for Me? What's True for You?" with Susan Stone
19 Sep 2017 How To Enjoy Your Meditation Practice with Pat Coffey
12 Sep 2017 Beginning with Self Compassion
05 Sep 2017 Wise Speech in Difficult Times
22 Aug 2017 Working with Grief with Jeff Fracher
15 Aug 2017 Only Love is Real: Sharon Beckman-Brindley
08 Aug 2017 ABC's: Awareness, Beloved Community
01 Aug 2017 Mindfulness, Concentration and the Monkeys of the Sacred Forest
25 Jul 2017 Ruth King, Guest Teacher
18 Jul 2017 Meditation and Chanting with Teresa Miller and Laura Good
11 Jul 2017 The Deepest Intention of the Heart with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
04 Jul 2017 Happy In(ter)dependence Day with Teresa Miller
27 Jun 2017 'The Practice of Self-Compassion' with Jeffrey Fracher
20 Jun 2017 Many People, Many Paths, One Heart of Awakening with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
30 May 2017 Now is the Time to Engage with Kristina Weaver
23 May 2017 Nourishing Nectars: Quiet and Connection with Susan Bauer-Wu
16 May 2017 Awakening Into The Body with Pat Coffey
12 May 2017 IMCC Spring Residential Retreat: The Heart of Awakening
09 May 2017 A Full Life Path with Amma Thanasanti
02 May 2017 Why Do You Meditate? with Susan Stone
18 Apr 2017 What does it mean to be a dharma citizen?
11 Apr 2017 "Streaming" with Jeanne van Gemert
04 Apr 2017 Leaving India—The Dharma in Everyday Life with Susan Stone
28 Mar 2017 An Appropriate Response with Sharon Beckman-Brindley
21 Mar 2017 How Mindfulness Can Help You Break Unhealthy Habits with Hugh Byrne
28 Feb 2017 Mindfulness of Breath with Robert Hodge
21 Feb 2017 Precepts Series: Q&A Wrap Up and Discussion
14 Feb 2017 Precepts Series: Wise and Wholesome Speech - Pat Coffey
07 Feb 2017 Precepts Series: Wholesome Sexual Energy - Charmi Neely
31 Jan 2017 Precepts Series: Taking Only What is Freely Given - David Silver
24 Jan 2017 Precepts Series: Non-Harming - Jeff Fracher
17 Jan 2017 Precepts Series: Mindful Consumption - Susan Stone
10 Jan 2017 Precepts Series: Overview of the Precepts as a Guidance System Toward Freedom
27 Dec 2016 Practice and Action : Finding a Balance - Susan Stone
13 Dec 2016 Working with Emotional Reactivity - Jeffrey Fracher
06 Dec 2016 Healing Separation
29 Nov 2016 Responding to Challenges with Wisdom, Discernment and Love - Sharon Beckman-Brindley and Pat Coffey
22 Nov 2016 Tired of Speaking Sweetly - Sharon Beckman-Brindley
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